Changes in weather, the cost-of-living crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic have demonstrated how easily we can become vulnerable to unpredictable events.  

We must be agile and responsive in the face of sudden changes and embed adaptation measures within our systems, processes, infrastructure and teaching so we can continue to deliver excellence for our students and the community.  

Find more detail on the commitments we are making to manage risk and plan effectively in Our Sustainable Future (PDF, 4.7MB). 

Adaptation study  

As part of the University’s response to the changing climate, we created a comprehensive document outlining extreme weather and climate change impacts, risks and adaptation responses.  

This adaptation study was commissioned to help better understand how the changing climate could impact the University’s estate and what measures would need to be put in place to combat this.  

Issues addressed include flooding, heat stress and retrofitting buildings to be more environmentally friendly.  

Read the full Adaptation Study (2015)* (Word doc, 5.8MB).

*Please note we hope to update the study as soon as possible.  

  • SDG 9 graphic

    Goal 9

  • SDG 13 graphic

    Goal 13