Made in Manchester competition

To celebrate our bicentenary year, we invited our students to share what being "Made in Manchester" means to them.

We received dozens of entries that reflected the spirit, impact, transformative, and diverse experiences of the University, and asked our students to select their favourite from each Faculty.

The winning artworks are below, along with an introduction by the students who created them.

Kaleidoscope of Change

Nghi Lam

Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health

“My time at Manchester feels like a 'kaleidoscope of change', navigating university life as an international student, with academic challenges and distinctive opportunities. The texts that build up University Arch illustrate the students' academic pursuits, while the vibrant colours of the seasons represent the unique blend of events that shaped their lasting experience.”

Queen's Arch

Intouch Arunepunlop

Faculty of Humanities

"This painting captures Manchester's dynamic and diverse community, framed by the historic Queen's Arch – a significant source of inspiration for me as an Architecture student. The inclusion of the surrounding natural landscape highlights the University's commitment to sustainability and showcases the harmonious interplay between the built environment, environmental consciousness, and the collective spirit of the University, collaborating to positively impact the community."

Whitworth Arch

Daniella Othman

Faculty of Science and Engineering

"My submission portrays the iconic Whitworth Arch, a focal point of the University. In my interpretation, the blending of vibrant colours, including the University's signature colour purple, represents the fusion of different cultures, identities and experiences that shape anyone visiting Manchester. My submission celebrates Manchester’s diversity and inclusivity, and shows how Manchester acts as a melting pot where people from all walks of life come together to learn and grow."

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