Welcome to your alumni community
Congratulations. You're now a part of our community of more than 500,000 alumni around the world who also studied at The University of Manchester.
You'll benefit from being a part of this community for the rest of your life. We'll help you:
- stay connected to the University;
- connect with alumni around the world to network and get careers advice:
- access facilities like Library e-resources and the Careers Service.
Keep your details up to date
As a graduate, you'll receive our fortnightly newsletter with information from the Careers Service, news from the University, invitations to events and memories from your time at Manchester.
To receive our emails, make sure you keep your contact details up to date using our online form.
This will help us keep you updated with information about your graduation ceremony.
You can still use the Careers Service for two years as a graduate.
With alumni in almost every country around the world, you'll never be far from another graduate of the University.
Many graduates decide to go onto further study to advance their knowledge.
Access thousands of online journals to continue your lifelong learning.